The Happy Dance

When is the last time you did your "Happy Dance"? You know the one... Yep. That one.
What was the occasion? A celebration? The arrival of good news? A special accomplishment?
What if we don't need a reason to feel happy?
What if, today, you do your "Happy Dance" just because.
What if you take a moment, right now, to lift yourself to a state of sheer joy?
What if you share that joy with someone just for the fun of it?
This week's invitation is to choose happiness. Claim it as your default emotional setting. Turn up the volume and do your dance...
In the process, we just might experience more than an enjoyable day. A vast amount of scientific data now demonstrates that happiness is good for the heart, boosts the immune system, and decreases stress. It also helps us live longer, so there's something else to dance about!
I've been playing with happiness this week, and remembering how it paves the way for ease and abundance. Join me on Facebook today at 10 am MT as we waltz through new possibilities for stepping into the "Happy Zone" as part of our weekly "What If Wednesday" live broadcast.
Bring your dancing shoes.
Can't wait to see your moves!