Getting to Know YOU!

Here's what I've noticed this week:
It doesn't matter how vast our differences may seem, when we take the time to get to know and understand each other, the space between us seems to melt away.
What if, this week, we focus our attention on getting to know each other a little better?
Consider the possibilities...
What if you spend a little time each day with your kids, your partner, your family, your neighbors, your friends, or your coworkers with the sole purpose of getting to know them a little better?
What if you create a list of 10 questions that would guide you in going deeper as you get to know people better? (Looking for ideas? I'll share some of my favorites with you on Facebook this morning!)
What if, whenever we feel disconnected from others, we use that feeling as a reminder to ask questions, be curious, and seek a deeper level of understanding?
Use the COMMENTS area below to share a little about yourself...
Where are you from?
What do you love to do?
What if your favorite thing about your life right now?
If you could make one dream come true in the next 3 months, what would it be?
What if, the more we know about each other, the easier it is to fall in love with the people around us?
Mindy Audlin
Author of "What If It All Goes RIGHT?"